1-6 June at
@linzfmr The work A Minore Amore, conceived for the artist-in-residency programme FM[Ai]R, Jaakko Myyri deals in a multi-layered way with the preservation of queer stories around the quest for love. In collaboration with the Homosexuelle Initiative Linz (HOSI Linz), he built a digital archive that was filled with content in participatory workshop settings. Reflecting the extent to which heteronormative environments influence the emergence and transmission of erotic terminology and intimate, everyday expressions.
The hay bale sculptures in the installation create a relaxed and rural-looking physical space. Visitors are invited to sit on them and watch the clouds. By scanning the QR-coded stones from the Danube, one gains access to a virtual place of queer stories and desires - text fragments that have been written and collected together by the contributors of the queer community in Linz. Like passing clouds or the clearing sky after a thunderstorm, they unfold. Programmed with Eurico Sá Fernandes.
text: Davide Bevilacqua
Presented at
LINZ FMR 21 biennale festival of art in public spaces & digital contexts
Curatorial support:
Julia NĂĽsslein,
Davide Bevilacqua,
Jakob Dietrich
special thanks to:
Kunstuniversität Linz,
Atelierhaus Salzamt,